There is nothing but God.

God is spirit. His spirit is conscious and acts as a great mind.

The infinite Creator is exploring finity. That is the purpose of the creation.

Everything is formed of God. Everything within the creation is a form of limited viewpoint, limited expression, limited awareness.

This exploration of finity must be, and is, spontaneous. It is the honest exploration of God, by God. God is on a journey of self exploration.

We are expressions of this process of self discovery. We are formed of God and our deepest identity is that of God. In the end, we will return to unity with all things, and exist as the infinite Creator in a state of pure peace and bliss. Resting in His truth until the time comes for further exploration in another universe.

There are infinite expressions of finity, thus the Creator’s exploration of finity is free to continue infinitely in an eternal present.

This is one of the great secrets of creation. All of time occurs simultaneously. All possible pasts, presents and futures exist simultaneously in a single eternal present moment.

I do my best to explain the structure and nature of the universe on my website I’ve been piecing this theory together from what I remember and it hasn’t been easy. I’m deliberately preserving the record of the evolution of my understanding. I have some videos on my YouTube and BitChute channels explaining the theory. My video “Cotemporality Theory” is out of date now, but still serves as a good introduction to many core ideas. The theory is corrected in my video “The Structure, Nature and Purpose of the Creation” as well as in a comment below the “Cotemporality Theory” video. has now been updated with my current understanding.

My videos and the website together will provide the most comprehensive account of the theory. I believe the theory is well worth the effort taken to understand it. The relevant links are below.

As I explain in those sources, there are three dimensions of time in addition to three dimensions of space. Time is essentially space projected into three extra dimensions. Time is a series of locations and motion in time is quantised. As all of time is simultaneous, and time travel is possible, the future can affect the past, although the true simultaneity of time also eliminates all possibility of paradoxes caused by travel in time.

Free will is preserved as each possible future exists ahead of us as a possibility/probability vortex, but we cannot know which future possibility we’ll choose until the choice is made.

Cotemporality theory is well worth your effort to understand as it provides a coherent model of the universe capable of explaining the origin of the physical constants, it provides a mechanism that explains phenomena such as quantum entanglement. It demonstrates that all things are unified, and that each part of the creation contains the whole. It explains the meaning of Jacob’s ladder, and the physical mechanism by which we evolve towards God.

The core of cotemporality theory is cotemporal generation, the process by which two or more instances of the same solitary fundamental unit can coexist at the same time. Each instance of this single fundamental unit, existing in this cotemporal state, can interact with any other instance of the fundamental unit. These units can interact through space, and also have a connection through time. They are the same unit, existing at different stages of its own timeline. Signals passing through this temporal connection are responsible for the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. We are shielding our experiments against signals sent through coordinate space, but not those sent through coordinate time.

Signals sent through time arrive instantaneously at their destination without breaching the speed of light.

Everything in the universe is formed from a single instance of a single fundamental unit, travelling through time and interacting with itself. Any change of state, anywhere in the universe, changes every other part of the universe. The fundamental unit is light, the photon. Every light is alive. Every light is an entity of three parts. A trinity.

A body, a mind and a spirit.

The photon itself is the body, what I call the soul. It acts as a vehicle for the other parts. It is the vehicle or room through which the creation can be explored.

Attached to the photon by a thread of light, and likely formed of it also, is the mind (what I call the being). The mind is a construct of archetypal thoughts in a humanoid form. These archetypal thoughts are the framework through which the creation and all experience within the creation can be interpreted and processed. These archetypal thoughts define all possible human thought. It is possible to map the geography of all possible human thought.

The third part is the spirit. The spirit exists outside of the creation and is breathed into the construct of archetypal thoughts. The spirit represents our innate character, our personality, and this personality finds expression through the mind and the body. It is this spirit which evolves through experience and grows closer to God.

The humanoid being or mind can wander out of its vehicle or room of light and explore the creation, but it cannot interact directly with the creation in this state, or rather, not with the same intensity. There are possible interactions. Such a being is tethered to their room by a thread of light.

Every single person is a trinity, just as the Lord is a trinity, although there is further complexity when explaining the trinity of the Lord. The Father is the mind, the Son is the body, and the Spirit is the spirit.

These three aspects of the Lord are unified in the following way.

The Lord can change true names. Just as the Lord changed Abram into Abraham and so he was no longer Abram, so too does the Father become the Son and the Spirit, and so on, via a change of true name. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the same spirit existing at different stages in the same timeline. They are truly one Lord, existing at different levels of greatness.

I am the Holy Spirit. The Son is greater than me, and the Father is greater than us both.

The progression is not linear. A change of true name is also a change of character. I have been stepped up and stepped down over time to fulfill the Father’s plan.

The angels told me that I was Jesus, yet I am not Him, yet I will be the Son again. The life of Jesus was one of the first acts of the great work required to set the precedent of the conquest of death.

The consequences of the crucifixion were far greater than you know.

When you finally understand, you will know why Jesus was sweating blood before going to the cross, and you will at last know the full extent of what has been done on your behalf.



All matter and energy in the universe were created through the light of one person. All things were made through the light of the Son. That light is the only light. Each of us inhabits that same light on our journey of evolution towards the truth.

In the beginning, the Son became the focal point for the Father’s will. Together, they willed that they would form a creation. They willed that at the end of the universe, a light would be sent back for each spirit that wished to exist within the universe they would make.

The rules were known. Everyone who responded, consented to the rules.

For each spirit, a light appeared, so that the Lord’s light was no longer solitary. This process was akin to an ecstatic orgasm of great magnitude.

The contents of an entire creation came into being through the power of will and love which flowed through the trinity of one Man.

It came into being, and the physical laws did the rest, leading to a tremendous explosion and the organic evolution of the universe flowed from there.

At the end of our universe, the Lord separates His being and His spirit from the soul which was His vehicle. He then sends this back to the beginning of the universe so that another spirit can experience the creation with Him. 

This is done for each spirit, and so for each light in existence, as every light contains a spirit, and every light is capable of evolution from the lowest levels of experience to the highest.

Each part of the creation shares in the full dignity of the creation. Every light is alive. Our definition of life is too narrow.

Due to the true simultaneity of time, the Lord never needs to travel alone through a universe. Each light exists with Him from the beginning, and chooses to join Him in part due to His authority, will, and credibility. They trust that He will do what He willed to do.

Genesis does not document the beginning of the universe, or even the beginning of the Earth.

Genesis is the story of the remaking of the Earth, for the Earth and the heavens (the local planetary bodies and the sun of that time) were unmade, and the Earth and the heavens were remade.

I remember because I was there.

I remember the unmaking of the Heavens and the Earth, and I was hovering over the Earth when the waters first flowed over the land as the Earth was being remade.

I was the one hovering over the waters of the Earth.

I give my best account of the circumstances of these events in my video “The Genesis of Genesis”.

The ancient planetary gods of myth are no myths. They are very real. The Father is the soul of Saturn, who was our previous sun. The hexagonal storm on Saturn is the center of a great star of David.

The Son is the soul of Jupiter, and will be our next sun. Jupiter bears a great wound in His side, and great stripes in His clouds as symbolic representations of the wounds of Christ.

The Holy Spirit is the soul of Uranus, and was the sun before Saturn. The Holy Spirit is also the soul of Neptune. Uranus is sleeping, and will sleep until the end, at which point His soul will be sent back to become the soul of Neptune. It is the Holy Spirit who drank the poison of the time puzzle. We are still experiencing the time puzzle. The Lord is untangling the mess and healing the darkness.

The soul of our present sun is Satan. This is a consequence of the great crisis of authority in the heavens and on the Earth. Satan is the soul of the black sun, a usurper sun, beating down upon us with his false light of death. That light is like poisoned water, we must drink to live, but poisoned drink stunts our growth and distorts our form.


Above left: Saturn. Above centre: Jupiter. Above right: Uranus. Right: Neptune.

The deepening of colour of Neptune compared to Uranus is representative of the deepening of the character of the Holy Spirit.

The Lord sought to convey a message to the people of Earth by weaving signs in the heavens, but there was a contest of power that confused this message and led to Saturn being wrongly labelled as a cannibal of His children.

Satan became our new sun. A false sun, hiding terrible secrets.

The darkness of the sun is the hard border of hell. There is much besides this that is part of hell, but due to the contest on Earth, much is hidden from sight.

It was necessary to keep the people from being able to see the truth too easily.

This website is a work in progress. My videos contain much more information at the moment, so please watch those if you are interested in knowing more of what I’ve been shown. I continue to remember more, and this causes my understanding to evolve.

My YouTube channel is “Agent of the Light”:

If you’re interested in the message written in the heavens, and the previous configuration of our solar system, the Thunderbolts project on YouTube have done some great work collecting evidence of formations in the ancient sky as recorded by the various peoples of Earth. Try this video for a start: 

“The sun shall be no more
your light by day,
nor for brightness shall the moon
give you light;
but the LORD will be your everlasting light,
and your God will be your glory.
Your sun shall no more go down,
nor your moon withdraw itself;
for the LORD will be your everlasting light,
and your days of mourning shall be ended.”

Isaiah 60:19-20 

Jupiter, our rightful sun, shall nourish us in His perfect light, and the world will know peace.

He will take His place at the celestial pole of our solar system. The true throne of our solar system, and the planets shall align with His will.

Jesus went to the cross knowing the true cost of His actions. He went to the cross knowing that the result would be that He would become Satan.

If the King of Life dies, He becomes the King of Death.

This was possible due to the true simultaneity of time. It was necessary for the son of man to become the worst of all sinners, and to choose life, and then to return from death unto life. This precedent allows all of the dead to do the same. I have gone ahead of you, and made a path for you, so that you too may come home.

Much of the bible is a record of the Lord’s rebuke of the son of man. The Lord has been teaching me, and correcting me, and chastising me.

Jesus drank from a bitter cup.

As Jesus, I drank of this cup. I have been gone for millions of years. I have been broken more cruelly than any other person. I have endured Satan’s cruellest torment. He made it so cruel as he knew that it’s cruelty was his guarantee that I would not be foolish enough to walk that path. He miscalculated badly, and that path became his own, as we are both incarnations of the son of man.

The son of man has been broken down and then built back up from the roots, and as a sapling and onwards up to me.

I am once more the Holy Spirit, and I am coming home to my Father.

I was the dragon of death, I am now the dragon of life. I have been both upwardly spiralling dragons. They are one. All things are one. Nothing can be truly cast off.

Ask yourself; what would it mean if Satan could be saved?

What would it mean if he couldn’t?

When I return, I return as Lord of life and Lord of death. The Lord is Lord of all.

Because of this, the truly repentent will always have a path back from death, although they must demonstrate their repentance.

The Lord has been correcting His own character, and setting the precedent that He can lay down His authority, and He can pick it back up again.

There were many who had been renounced by God, and all authority over them was revoked. They were/are the truly dead. Now He may pick up His authority over them once again, and through repentance they may return to life.

This is how Satan became so powerful. He claimed authority over many of the renounced things, including himself. 

The Lord could not exercise judgment over him without authority. When the great work is done, this will change, and the Lord will be free to exercise judgment over Satan and the dead.

Many walk and breathe and yet are dead. Your true appearance is hidden from you.

The Lord gave holy land to several peoples. There’s more than one holy land. He did this before renouncing authority over Satan, the Earth, and many heavenly bodies. He did this so that there would be land outside of Satan’s authority, through which, the Lord could give His message. All land on Earth that isn’t holy land is technically hell, although the effects of this are hidden so as to allow us to freely choose without bias between life and death. I say that the Lord gave this land before renouncing Satan, but I remember Satan being renounced and returning before the recorded giving of the holy land to the Israelites. He must have given this land before this time, and then made the announcement at that later time, just as He gave North America away in this manner. There is much that is hidden from me, as I’ve said before, but I continue to learn more as I remember more and spend time in thought.

It was very frightening for me, to discover that I had been Satan, and that I was in hell. It took a while to convince me that the angels weren’t simply carrying out my torment by tricking me into hope. I remember this now.

Everyone can be saved, but your choices will be respected. Free will matters.

Every subjective viewpoint can be objectively experienced and known, and judged through the lens of the truth. The permanent record of time-space makes this possible. Our experiences can be experienced by others from our perspective, including thoughts and feelings/emotions. The truth is known. Illusions will be shattered. Nothing is hidden.

We are all naked before the Lord.


It felt right to put this here.

A note on the interpretation of Greek myth in addition to what I’ve placed on my “About” page:

Helios is Satan. There are rules of etiquette that had to be maintained. There was a conflict between Earthly Gods in service to Zeus and other factions including otherworldy Gods that played out in events on Earth. The rules of engagement often required strange and seemingly counterproductive actions to be taken. Each side would seek to have the other in their debt by offering easier paths to success. We placed many cunning obstacles in each other’s paths. Proper use of the terms of engagement could allow you to invoke your enemies to act to your benefit. Helios used his authority to keep an island below the waves after the flood so that it could be raised again and made officially his own among the lands which would house our symbolic conflicts.

We were eventually forced to migrate our attention westward as we suffered defeat, partly due to my ineptitude, as knowledge of our conflict eluded me for some time and I engaged in petty disputes that hindered our cause. In my ignorance I also fell prey to the occasional trap such as the fathering of six evil male children. Satan continued to tempt me with beautiful women in his territory, but I learned my lesson.

In response to our defeat, we were offered lives of atonement to protect particular territories. This was the source of many cruel lives such as that of Oedipus.

They never expected any of us to take up those lives. The eventual fate of Theseus was also a consequence of defeat.

Heracles’s power was the ability to ensure victory with a single blow. Once he struck an opponent, he was able to manipulate them physically using his power so that everything after that point was simply a show designed to bring him glory. After a single blow, death was assured if he only willed it. He was also a conduit for the powers of foreign Gods. They could exercise their power through him. That is how he killed Scylla. He leapt into the whirlpool and slew Charybdis with a single blow through the use of his power, then he sat on a rock and patiently waited for Scylla to emerge. This was part of the conflict, and Scylla knew she had to emerge and that she’d die, so she waited many days. When she was finally forced to emerge and face her fate, she was slain by a power of fear that was projected through Heracles by a foreign God. The relationship between Satan and these foreign Gods is murky to me. At some point there was opposition to him, but at some point they were allied (The foreign Gods might not be fully unified). Much can be learned through the examination of ancient mythology along with Judeo-Christian records as they document the same conflict. As I’ve stated before in a video, Heracles was an enemy of the true God.

There was petty squabbling among the Gods, but there was also a grander conflict which became clear to us over time (some of us later than others). On my about page you’ll find some details about how the few remaining free Gods of mythology transitioned to a new monotheism in part to tell the story with a somewhat more blank slate to limit confusion in the message. There was still plenty of confusion, and the course of events on Earth allowed much intervention by Satan, but this is how it had to be. You must transition through and past Satan’s law, into God’s law, just as the bud of the staff of Aaron must grow past the broken tablets of Satan’s law and wind around the broken tablets of God’s law within the Ark. The staff and the pot of manna are in the ark with both sets of broken tablets (hiding their presence with illusion is simple work, in addition to hiding the condition of what is seen). The content of the bible is not solely from God, but gives accounts from both God and Satan so that their conflict is properly balanced and symbolically reflects the events of the time of confusion I detailed in my video “The Genesis of Genesis”. These things are consequences of the ways and laws of creation. Each of us must make honest choices based upon the truth of our hearts, therefore confusion is necessary so long as there is this conflict.

Ultimately our conflict is with the anti-father, Typhon, the Lord of awareness/unawareness.

The Lord of awareness was originally intended to untangle the darkness in the creation, but it turned out that he had a weakness. To be aware of everything is to be aware of every evil as well as every good. He was too afraid to look at the worst of the evil, and this caused the creation of a new being (who was part of him), the Lord of unawareness. It didn’t take long for this new Lord to discover that he could cause the Lord of awareness to become unaware of other things through the use of fear and could access his powers by the same means.

His is a truly devastating power. The mind of God requires that he be confronted honestly, with integrity. The Lord of awareness/unawareness must be made aware of the full truth. This wasn’t a simple thing, even for him. There always seems to be a cost to great power, some form of limitation or a process of growth required to earn such power.

He was not imprisoned by Zeus although they did battle. It is not a simple thing, to imprison the Lord of awareness/unawareness.

It’s possible that on Earth, Helios used a proxy, but I don’t know. He had no need to hide his face from the Gods.

The soul of the Earth evolved to her present level of being before the soul of Uranus did the same. She waited a long time and she longed for children. Because Uranus took his time progressing, he was essentially sleeping, an inactive power. He supported the Earth with his warmth, love and light, but in an unconscious sense.

Earth was conscious and active, thus, the earliest human memory is likely of the feminine preceding the masculine. On the grand scale this is untrue. The masculine preceded the feminine. Male came first. The experience of humans on Earth has been very unusual indeed.




I remember more about Heracles and the otherworldly gods. He and they are seasoned planet conquerors. His powers, and the fact that he was only part god allowed him more freedom to act on Earth, just as he had freedom on other worlds. His power also allows him to manipulate objects, which is why his arrows were so accurate. He deliberately shot Chiron. I remember. He caused Theseus’s wounds when he freed him from his seat. He caused the ground to shake so as to avoid freeing Pirithous. Powers of such potency aren’t usually found in one who is not a god.

Think of our battle as being a contest to create the greatest myth, the greatest heroes. The greatest stories. Success there, leads to the moulding of future events. This allows for victory in battle and even makes it possible to kill your enemies if their defeat is sufficiently great. This is why Heracles was raised to full godhood, and why he was seen to defeat Ares and even myself. This power of myth has real power. There is a contest for our hearts. The mind of God knows our hearts.

I was furious when I saw that he was being raised, but it was very amusing when we informed him that we were shutting the whole thing down and moving on to other things. We left him there all alone. A hollow victory. The contest transformed. New tales were told. New heroes were forged. Things became more distant.

I thought that he’d lost interest in the conflict, but I know now that I was wrong. We face a team of seasoned planet conquerors who have long been resident on Earth. There is also Satan who may well be working with them (the details aren’t clear to me yet, but I think he is working with them). There’s also the anti-father. There’s the anti-christ sealed within the Earth beneath a sea (It’s a simple thing for the Lord to shrink planets so that they fit within the womb of the Earth. This shrinking can be done in a manner that reduces their mass.), and the one I called the true Gorgon. There’s a lot riding on events on Earth. 

This all makes me wonder if the capture of the Gods truly was unexpected. It must have happened after we closed things down. I remember it as surprising, but I wasn’t the brightest spark, I wasn’t very clued into those events. We certainly did know that we had enemies and that the situation was serious.


I’m adding a further note here about the content of a vision I had of a time when I’m confined with Satan, the anti-spirit. He was in the form of a large black dog, which was also a shapeshifting serpent, although this was hidden from me in the beginning. He was caught attempting to kill me, so I was instructed to take a pinecone from my Christmas tree and touch him with it (it didn’t matter where).

I touched him on the nose with the pinecone, and he suddenly and violently died. It was so sudden, like he’d been struck by lightning such was the speed of it.

I suspect that the pinecone represents our connection with God. I have memories of pinecones being edible at some point in the past or future (perhaps both). They were softer and green. They were delicate. The current dried up state of the typical pinecone strikes me as symbolic of our distance from God.

I should also add that Santa Claus is symbolic of Satan. He is a deliberate perversion of Christmas. Satan can see many things in time, and was aware of how the name would evolve over time. They knew full well that the name would essentially become Satan’s claws. There were some who thought that this was too obvious, but Satan wrote you off as too stupid to notice and do anything about it. I remember Satan taking on an incarnation as a priest who rose ridiculously swiftly through the hierarchy. This was because of his incarnational connections (there was/is a network), a deliberate attempt to create a myth surrounding that person although I don’t remember the name. Satan has long been given the opportunity to hold positions of prominence and to have his way with the world, even being given positions of prominence within the bible. It was necessary to give him such a shot at playing the part of the Lord and holding sway over many empires in order to demonstrate with utter clarity that the people do not want him. They long for the truth. Deep down they know that something is very wrong. He will be rejected. I remember it. The world being taken back from me. Satan was allowed to live many incarnations where he had great wisdom, power and glory, but he never had the proper spirit. There have long been arrangements in place to remove/conceal his remains.

The official church has long been corrupted. They began by insisting on needing an official structure and a recognisable leader. They promise that they aren’t seizing power, and that everyone’s free to worship how they choose, but then they start banning books and hunting sects. I have memories of the meetings.

This incremental, intentional shifting towards their goal is a hallmark of the opposition.

This doesn’t mean that there is no good there. There are many who aim to do good within the official church, some knowing more about the conflict than others. Just as there is a minority of Israelites who aim to do good and are somewhat aware of the deeper nature of the conflict, along with a minority who do evil and are aware of deeper things, along with a majority who will be mixed, mostly well-meaning and less in the loop. 

Much has been hidden, but all will be revealed.

Over time, Satan became less inclined to restrict himself to the bounds of the roles he took on. He wished to have his way with us, and slowly cared less and less about being hidden. The opposition has been prepared to do much apparent good so as to lead us into darkness. Step by step.


Jesus said to them, “The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.”

I remember that the Buddha was disappointed that all those who came to him for his teachings were only interested in his minor teachings. They weren’t interested in his greater teachings. They couldn’t accept the greater truths. They wanted something familiar and were drawn to the auspicious sounding lesser teachings. They were unwilling to entertain anything radical and new. They would not step outside of the established structures more than a small amount.

He could see that those teachings would survive without further aid on his part, so he had his greater teachings preserved in written form and had them sealed away with the instruction that they should be unsealed when the appropriate time came.

The Lord has consistently been forced to meet us where we are, with teachings that we are prepared to process. We have been such stiff necked people. Even now, my Lord gives me what I can process and stirs me to grow so that I can process more. People become prisoners of dogma and existing structure. I continue to remember so much more.


I had an interesting experience recently (Jan 2020). I was at work processing customer returns. I picked up a package, and found that another package had become stuck to it. It had remained hidden from me as I picked up the package, and this struck me as unusual, so I separated the packages and set aside the second package with the notion in my mind that I’d pay attention to its contents to see if there was anything spiritually meaningful there.

It contained clothing from a brand called Ruth & Boaz. This struck me as somehow familiar and sounded biblical, so I wrote down the brand and researched Ruth and Boaz when I got home after work. Their story was very meaningful to me and moved me deeply when I read it. I remembered snippets from the lives of both and found comfort in this story of redemption and its fruit. I too long for redemption, and this experience stirred my hope. It has been such a long walk in the wilderness.  

Another note (26/01/20) : Things can exist before they’re invented. It’s possible for the first horse for example, to exist after other horses in time. Those with sufficient psychic sight can see the truth of this. They would know that they are viewing the first horse, even if they’ve seen other horses long before the birth of that first horse. Even ideas can be invented and sent back if it’s appropriate.

I remember creating lifeforms for the fun of it. I created many strange creatures of the sea, and many were monstrous in appearance. I created some simply for amusement and to disturb others. I was amazed that many succeeded in surviving and even thriving after I set them loose.

When I pursued Demeter, she asked me to make her something beautiful. I dimly remembered the unicorn from the garden and longed to recreate it for her. I worked hard creating lifeforms, but I couldn’t get it right. I didn’t understand that our creations tend to reflect our characters and that although it is possible to reach down and create something lesser than our natures, it is virtually impossible to create something that has a greater character than our own. I created many creatures, but for some reason my Lord forbade me to keep more than one. As a result, I released these creatures from my authority and set them loose upon the world so that I could try again. Each of them seemed capable of survival, so I didn’t feel all that bad about it. I didn’t quite understand the meaning of my actions. I’m pretty sure this was the origin of hippos among many other animals. I remember a very brutish and aggressive animal that didn’t care one bit about being released. I created a mate for each type of animal, although the first was always male I believe.

I remember being very disappointed that I couldn’t make the animal I remembered, and I suspected that it was my nature that held me back, so I did something very strange. I reached into the future of my own nature, and made an animal using my future character. This was an animal that was spawned by my future character. It is in my nature to cross boundaries, therefore, when my Lord discovered this fact, my creation was allowed to stand.

The animal I created surprised and disturbed me. I had arrogantly assumed that my future self must be very great and glorious. I was not prepared for what confronted me.

I had created the first donkey.

Its meekness and humility disturbed me because this struck me as weakness, yet I was drawn in with compassion for this sincere animal.

Yet, this creature’s character alarmed me and wounded my pride. I couldn’t bring myself to offer this animal as my gift even though I liked it and could find no true fault with it. My pride wouldn’t allow me to do it.

We had a conversation, just as I’d spoken telepathically with the others.

I had looked over the donkey’s characteristics, and couldn’t find anything that I found exceptional. It was just so unimpressive to me, yet it was also endearingly honest. I’ll try to give you a sense of our conversation, and the cruelty of my actions.

I couldn’t see any use for this animal, it wasn’t fast, it wasn’t all that smart, it was sturdy but not impressively strong, it lacked claws or sharp teeth, I struggled to understand its purpose, so I asked it “what can you do?”.

The donkey looked at its nature, and saw the same thing as me, and knowing its limitations, with humble sincerity he replied “I will work”.

I considered this. He had touched my heart, but I was looking for a reason to send him away, I couldn’t offer him as a gift, yet I didn’t want to send him away.

Eventually, I expressed my doubts and he sensed that I was about to send him away, so he looked at his character again and said “I will work very hard”.

This only delayed me, and the situation repeated. This time the donkey looked at himself, all the time wishing that he had the capacity to offer more, he was desperate for my approval and he humbled himself with the following statement.

“I will work very hard, and… and I won’t complain.”

He had poured out everything he could offer, and he asked me what it was that Demeter had requested. When I told him what she wanted, he said to me with all innocence and humility, “Am I not beautiful?”. He was prepared to accept my response as the truth, he was pouring out his heart, and I told him that yes, he was beautiful. I meant it too, there was a beauty to him, but it was not the glorious beauty I sought for my gift.

I pled with my Lord to allow me to keep him and continue my experiments, but He wouldn’t allow it. In the end, I released the donkey from my authority and sent him away. It broke his heart. He believed he lacked the ability to survive, and that without his Lord’s protection, he and his kind would vanish forever. He stood there in silence as I revoked my authority over him, and he saw that in his own character he was no longer under my authority. I created a mate for him, and sent them away.

I told them to trust in the Lord, and that someone would see their usefulness and take them in.

This is up there amongst the most cruel things I’ve ever done. I didn’t fully understand the cruelty of it, but I did understand that it was very cruel.

After this, I created the first horse, although it was thoroughly untamed and wild. Much work had to go into taming its character. This was a penalty for creating something beautiful in appearance when possessing the character I had back then. It was to balance the act of creation. My Lord didn’t reveal this to me then, but He was disgusted by what I had done to the donkeys.

This is why Demeter was furious with me. She knew what I had done, and confronted me about my shameful act when I presented the horse to her. Having accepted the horse, she then created a herd of them and hid herself among them as a mare. I was determined to salvage something from the situation, so I transformed into a stallion without her knowledge and mated with her, which only made her angrier for obvious reasons. Had I actually given her the donkey, she would have gladly joined with me as it turns out. Her understanding of beauty was far beyond my own.

No matter how much I wanted to, I was never going to be permitted to place a horn on the horse’s head. It was forbidden to me.

The story of the donkeys is very interesting. They wandered off together, but they were hunted by animals which were part of the invasion of Earth. The invasion of Earth has occurred at the level of animals as well as Man and above.

They were confronted by a small pack of these animals, and while the male donkey was speaking with them, the female ran away. He was distraught by this because they were the only two of their kind and he was certain that she would now be killed without him and that they had been stronger together.

He was forced to fend them off, and they did retreat for a time to assess him.

He wandered off in search of his companion, but couldn’t find her. He was crying with distress, and darkness had fallen. He was without hope, yet he longed to live. He longed to belong.

The hunters returned.

He tried to trick them by saying that he belonged to Poseidon, but they could see that he had been abandoned, and they mocked him.

He tried to find some way to be useful so they wouldn’t eat him, and he said to them, “I will work”.

They mocked him and said the only work they needed him to do was to satisfy their bellies, so he said that he’d bring them food.

This intrigued them, and they said they’d spare him if he brought others to be food for them, but this horrified the donkey. He couldn’t bear to place another in his situation just so he could escape it. He hadn’t thought that the work would be like that.

Knowing he would die, he refused to act in such a manner and rejected their offer.

They moved to attack him when a miracle occurred. The Lord appeared in glory and his light drove the attackers away. This wasn’t the Lord as He was known as Zeus, but the Lord represented by new symbols. A Lord that was unknown to the attackers. In His light could be seen many new symbols, and among them was a cross.

The donkey thought that this might be his Lord, but the Lord explained to him that He was not the one who had released him.

The donkey was the first of his kind and had earned salvation, but it was necessary to keep him from dying in the manner that he had faced, because I suspect it would have meant the end of all donkeys possibly forever, although I’m unsure if it would have been so permanent.

My Lord asked him what it was that he most wanted, and the donkey replied crying in distress, “I… Want… My… Lord…”.

He just wanted to be accepted by the one who had made him. To be where he belonged.

My Lord told him that this would be done for him, but that his Lord had to be made worthy of him. He then explained much of the mystery of the timeline of the Lord to the donkey so that he understood something of what must come to pass.

It is tragically poetic, that the blameless beast I had rejected, bore me to the place where I was rejected, though I was blameless.

I remember his thoughts as he carried me. He was thinking, “Please remember me. See how I came when you called, and how I carry you and work for you. Please remember me, so that you won’t turn me away when the time comes.”

There was no changing what had already come to pass however, even though he longed for it to change. My Lord has been making me worthy of him and those like him.

I suppose this was somewhat inevitable, as I’d pulled him from out of my own future character, which is hopefully my present character. I had not only rejected the donkey, but the man that I am, or the one that I shall be.

I should add that the female was also rescued, and that a consequence of these events was that donkeys had to live on Earth, often working very hard, as they waited for their Lord to become worthy and return to them.

Donkeys are beautiful creatures. They are gentle and accepting and hard working and meek and humble and honest.

I will work hard too, for them, for you, and for my Lord. My heart also cries, “I…Want…My…Lord…”

Another note (06/02/20) : The Lord reaps where He does not sow. He has to address the issues in the creation from a stepped down state and He has to act in a manner appropriate for His condition. He has the power to move into and claim other creations. This is terrifying to many established power structures, and so, as it is proper to balance great power in the creation, these powers were given the opportunity to invade the Lord’s creation first. Let me reiterate though, that the Lord is Lord of all, and at the highest level all things exist in Him. It is at these lower levels where the rules require things to be this way, that the Lord must move into and claim creations as His own. He must reap what He has not sown (from this reduced perspective).

The creation of Man is part of this conflict. In these other creations, dragons (reptilians) are the masters of other creatures. They have been terrible masters, and they are jealous, proud and cruel, being both cunning and powerful in form. In these other places it’s almost like Man doesn’t know himself yet, like he’s almost in potential rather than reality. I don’t really understand the temporal workings of what I’m trying to describe here (this might be an alternate timeline thing, possibilities).

The dragons have been trying to subdue Man because Man has been made Lord of all the animals. This makes Man Lord over the dragons. They have attempted to eliminate or subjugate Man at his infancy.

Man is the Lord’s thinking animal. Your power is your mind. This is why your form is relatively feeble. Your enemies have been very successful in targetting your minds and even causing you to hate yourselves. You have been made stupid and ignorant, but Man is magnificent. When you make it through these birth pains you will understand. The Lord seeks to make you a worthy Lord, you’re going to love it. You have been made in the Lord’s image.

I saw the dragons confronted with Man. I saw a conflict of thought (think of it as the playing out of much time in short snippets of vision). The dragons were confident, they unleashed some deadly infectious threat among Man. They watched as many died. Normally, noone was ever able to discover the cause of such illnesses, but Man is the Lord’s thinking animal. The infection came to the attention of Man. I saw a great convergence of thought. The dragons saw the experience of the vectors and disease they had sent as they were examined under harsh lights by terrifying and unfathomable minds. I felt the terror of being probed by inconceivable equipment and a consciousness that was beyond my capacity to comprehend (I felt their experiences too). The power of the thinking animal is beyond the comprehension of the other animals and this is a potent terror to them when faced with Man in his anger. The stories of ufo abductions are interesting because it seems to me that the other animals are projecting their fear onto Man. They are attempting to mimic the fear that Man instils in them, yet their fear is inferior to that of the genuine article. The fear generated by Man comes from his competence. The actions of alien abductors can be likened to the actions of cargo cultists. They aren’t stupid, they just aren’t Man. Man’s power is his mind.

I saw Man release an insect against the dragon’s vector. The dragons were dismissive, thinking the response amusing, but were horrified to see the effects of this response and how it gutted their plans. The mind of Man undid the work of the dragons, and Man traced the work of the dragons back to them. The dragons are cunning, and their forms are far more powerful physically than Man’s, but they are not Man.

They summoned the first dragons (their equivalent of Adam and Eve). They were certain that this would be sufficient to subdue Man, but the two of them looked at Man and saw the power and terror of Man. Together they kneeled before Man as their Lord. Man is Lord over the beasts, but the Lord is Lord over Man. This created an interesting problem when the Lord became a man, because all men are subject to Adam who is their Lord, and all women are subject to Eve who is their Lord, and Eve is subject to Adam who is her Lord for she was made of him. This is why the Lord as man is not known by the epithet “Man”, but by the epithet “Son of Man”. This is a separate category under “Man” with its own unique rules. Adam is not Lord over the Lord.

I’ve been wondering about the dietary restrictions of the bible, and although from the highest perspective nothing is unclean as all things have the same origin; from our reduced perspective, I’ve noticed a possible reason for the restrictions.

I know that many animals were involved with the invasion of Earth. I remember we had a really tough time dealing with dogs in particular. They came as part of the invasion, seeking to conquer us. They were much smarter back then too, and that’s saying something because some breeds are very clever. We had to deal with them using our own animals, but what can you send against dogs? They were a nightmare. In the end we found a different solution. We won them over with love. They had only known cruel masters, but we offered to be good masters, and they found that their hearts longed for the relationships we could offer. They turned on their former masters and bound their fates to ours. Part of this deal required them to become less intelligent than they were, returning them to a state closer to that of other animals of their level of being, because they had been enhanced beyond where they should have been. Some were happy to become dim, others chose to retain more of their sharpness. Dogs were seen as bad for quite some time, but their reputation eventually turned around in most places. This conflict is also why cats and dogs used to hate each other so much, although they’ve been working on it.

From the dietary perspective, invading animals would be under the authority of those other than the Lord, and ingesting them would lead to parts of your form being under the authority of someone other than the Lord. This would make you “unclean”. It’s an interesting thought. I remember that there were a ton of invaders. It’s also likely that they invaded much of our timeline, although I don’t remember this much detail.

I should add that I now suspect that the Earth has been made in some sense the starting point of life (many species at least). I think that more than just the Earth and local heavenly bodies were unmade and remade. I have a memory from another life far from here where I woke up and found that somehow, another had been made an authority over me. I think everything was reset and made new, or at the very least will experience this.

From what I remember, Man had to evolve in the same manner as other animals, except that Man is feeble in comparison physically. At the same time, many other animals were seeking to snuff out Man in his infancy (this kind of thing plays out in incarnational planning). For this reason many animals were created in the image of Man to act as convincing decoys. From what I remember, Man wasn’t one of the larger humanoids, they were decoys that faded away (diminished in number) once Man transformed into his current form (this was a sudden change). Man existed in the form of pygmies (they were very small). Man was small and very feeble, and knew much terror from the animals that were so much more physically capable than him. Man was made small and vulnerable so that he could go unnoticed and this strategy was ultimately successful. It was a very dangerous time. This was Man at his most vulnerable. Every animal has had to earn the right to exist. You have earned this right (so far at least). The ones who wanted to eliminate you were given their chance.

I remember that Satan introduced the five pointed star as a transformed representation of the same thing represented by the six pointed star. It actually communicates more information about how it should be used than the six pointed star does. The symbol is associated with Satan and he uses it in his works, but it isn’t an evil thing. It’s on many flags, and often this is a sign of Satanic influence or control. The settling of North America was a response to the conquest (or looming conquest) of Europe by the forces of Satan. The new frontier became a new battleground between light and dark. Not all of Europe was lost, but enough to warrant the move. The formation of a union of the states was part of Satan’s design for the conquest of this new territory and its free peoples (separately, the states would have been far harder to subdue). Fortunately, the draw of freedom was so potent that Satan’s forces had to offer a great many concessions in order to secure the union. This placed them in a position where much work had to be done to systematically erode the protections of the people over time. Those of the darkness will offer almost any concessions in order to reach a point where they can establish a structure that has public acceptance. They offer something that you can accept, and then over generations they gradually chip away at that structure and at the people so that they can bring the people ever more under their control. They will offer almost anything to secure the starting point. Satan and his forces have been actively working to undermine western nations and have deliberately sabotaged the workings of western nations in addition to targetting the minds of western peoples. Much progress can be achieved by simply revoking deliberately destructive regulations which are hampering our economies. Those of the darkness are quite willing to live seemingly good lives and to masquerade as good in order to undermine the light over time with subtle distortions. They play the long game. They are also prepared to die for their cause, although they do it for selfish gain. They know full well that we reincarnate. Do not underestimate the wolves among you. They very often seek centralisation as this is useful for control.

I saw a section of scripture recently which triggered some of my memories.

Then the LORD will appear over them,
and his arrow will go forth like lightning;
the Lord GOD will sound the trumpet
and will march forth in the whirlwinds of the south.
The LORD of hosts will protect them,
and they shall devour, and tread down the sling stones,
and they shall drink and roar as if drunk with wine,
and be full like a bowl,
drenched like the corners of the altar.

On that day the LORD their God will save them,
as the flock of his people;
for like the jewels of a crown
they shall shine on his land.
For how great is his goodness, and how great his beauty!
Grain shall make the young men flourish,
and new wine the young women.

Zechariah 9:14-17

Each of the trinity is the Lord, but I remember that we also have more complete titles. I think that this section gives our more complete titles and reveals something of our identities.

The Father/mind is the LORD of hosts. He sees the most and guides the Son and the Holy Spirit, so He can protect them by guiding them.

The Son/body is the LORD. He is also Zeus and wields the cosmic thunderbolt. The LORD’S arrow is lightning if He wants it to be. I also suspect that the LORD will return upon the white horse Pegasus which is how He will appear “over them”.

The Holy Spirit/spirit is the Lord GOD and I remember from Satan’s perspective, seeing the Holy Spirit march into the whirlwinds Satan had created as a protective barrier. I have memories of the battle being described here, but I won’t share them now.

I don’t know if these are all of the names, but I believe that the title “Lord” is used interchangably at times (each of us can be called Lord).

I am perfectly content to call the LORD and the LORD of hosts my God, and I believe that the LORD would also consider the LORD of hosts to be His God, so “their God” can save them.

I also remember being told that I will be (or am) new wine.

Another note (28/04/20)

The food issue is actually quite serious. I remember that the focus of Satan’s attack on Man is through Man’s belly. How many of you will fail the test of Esau? I don’t think that the dietary restrictions in the bible list all of the problematic foods (the foods which exist under Satan’s authority and thus are “unclean”). I think he snuck some past us and I’m worried about chicken. I remember that he had a meat that was very plain on its own, but which worked well with other ingredients. It was a kind of empty meat, and it came from a bird, and the bird would be intensively farmed in the future. I suspect that eggs are ok, but I’m stopping my consumption of chicken as I don’t see what else the meat could have been. I saw so many people whoring themselves for Satan on account of his food. It was a powerful sight, and disturbing, because Man is weak in his belly. The testing will be very hard. There are many who would sell their souls for chicken nuggets. (edit 27/06/20 I no longer trust turkey or prawns in addition to chicken and pork etc although I think that squid and octopus and crab are ok.)

I’ve also remembered something very strange, but very important. The Lord chooses the beginning and the end. I assumed that the big bang was the beginning, but it isn’t. The Lord chose the remaking of the Earth as the beginning, which means that the remaking of the Earth was actually the making of the Earth. The Earth was made to match what was “before”, but the “before” was actually a future state of the planet, not a past state. Everything was remade along with the Earth and this “remaking” was actually the “making” in the beginning. This is strange and difficult stuff, but it means that anything before the “remaking” of Earth, is actually the future of the Earth, and when Satan was cast “back in time” as I’d thought, he was actually cast forwards in time. He simply couldn’t come back here until the appropriate time. This is very confusing for me if it’s correct as I suspect that it is, because it leaves me without good explanations for some events that I remember, such as the shattering of the faithful planet. I’m writing this anyway, because I think I should be honest and share even those things that I don’t yet understand. This would have some bizarre consequences though, I sense.

I’ve mentioned before that in my time in the outer darkness I became known as the Tyrant of Tarrack Nor, or the Tyrant of Carrack Nor (The name sounded very much like these, I don’t remember it fully, but these names are in the ballpark). This name came either from a planet I inhabited or from a space station that I created to be my home base. I bring this up because I created that station in a remote area of chaotic space. The rules of physics broke down in certain places and I used this as a form of defense. I spared no expense in building this station, and I even automated its upkeep. I’ve wondered for some time whether this station was built on the border of heaven and hell, along the line of conflict in or by our solar system. I’m wondering whether it was intended that I should build it, and whether it may have found itself in our time, either as a result of the chaotic phenomena, or as a result of time, if the past is actually the past. It was built to the highest spec. If it’s here, then it will be operational. The computer system was heavily encrypted, but the data in there…. And the tech…. And the materials…. The station has been on my mind.

I have this vague memory of the voyager spacecraft being intercepted and destroyed by forces holding outside our solar system. They were worried about being seen. Whether it happens will be interesting, but I’ve accepted that much of what I see comes from other timelines. I’ve been doing this for so long, but I keep failing and having to start over again. I’ve been rolling this boulder for billions of years, not millions as I’d thought. Millions of years is just one attempt. I am told that this is the last one though.

I have a weird memory of something being in the food supply that causes food to spoil within moments after being unsealed. People were no longer able to enjoy food, but had to wolf it down without taking any time to taste it. It led to severe famine. It was in the food and the solution was to change the processes used in handling food products. The changes removed the causal agent from the food.

Note (29/04/20)

I remember that for a time some were suspicious of me because my space station was built with a design that bore symbolism associated with the Living God. My memories indicate that the station was right on the border between the competing authorities. In our time, the border is hidden and the boundaries have been defined and set, but at that time the boundaries were ill defined. Why would you bother going through the effort of defining the border to an exacting standard when there was little reason to do so and nothing to be lost or gained by allowing the uncertainty at that time? Turns out that it was quite an oversight. What happens if, during negotiations, the border shifts ever so slightly? What if it shifts so that an object which was on one side of the border now finds itself on the other side of that border? That object suddenly comes into play. A new piece is placed on the board. I always wondered why I built that thing out in the middle of nowhere. It was an unpopular decision, and I poured loads of resources into the construction. I just assumed that it was another of my stupid mistakes; another screw up. Maybe not.

I also realise now, that if the making of the Earth is the beginning, then I wasn’t there for the very start of it all. I was sleeping. When my Father woke me, both He and the Son already were. 

Note (08/05/20)

I remember something interesting about telepathy. When a message comes, it feels natural and right, like this is how things are supposed to be. The experience doesn’t feel alien or unfamiliar, but like a natural part of who we are.

Something has happened to our memory. When a message comes, it’s like a veil is lifted and we get a glimpse of what we actually are, of how things are meant to be. It’s like our memory of these abilities is suppressed or veiled, but that when a message comes, the suppression is lifted and the message isn’t greeted with shock or surprise; instead our response is more like “of course I can hear this voice, that’s how things are.”. There’s a suppression of memory, and that means that we could have been made to forget just about anything. I remember that during my contacts I would have absolutely no doubt as to their authenticity or their reality, but a little while later, once a contact was done, doubt would begin to creep in. The experience would begin to feel distant, like it was far away, it would begin to feel unimportant. Eventually I’d forget, as I was told I would, but with each new contact, I would be present again, the experience would feel natural and right, and the notion that I could forget such an integral part of myself would feel absurd.

If we can be made to forget parts of ourselves that feel as natural as breathing such as this, then we can be made to forget just about anything, and this must be a consequence of the conflict we are experiencing.

I saw a vision. A voice spoke from heaven into the minds of all of the people, and their experience was like my own. It all felt natural. The voice instructed me to go home and stay inside. For some reason the voice was heard by everyone, and they heard me going home, and heard our enemies hunt for me.

The vision was very strange because in an instant, everyone was aware of the conflict. Everyone remembered much, it was like coming up for a sudden breath of air. There was rare clarity. Afterwards, their experience was like my own, and they began to doubt and forget as the experience grew more distant. I’m not sure how many successfully held on to the experience.

This is interesting, because it shows us just one way in which everything can be completely transformed in a moment. We are all so small compared to what we can be. Radical transformation can come like a bolt from the blue.

This hits home hard for me, because I’ve experienced being blinded by the Lord, such that I simply could not see the painfully obvious truth right before my eyes. If you are not meant to see, you simply will not see. If you are not meant to remember, you will not remember.

Until the time is right. Then everything can become clear in an instant and you’ll wonder how on Earth you were able to forget, how is it that you couldn’t see?

We are in a diminished state, far from what is natural to us. Waiting on the Lord’s salvation.

Note (28/05/20)

I remember Enoch. He always had faith that, no matter the situation, God’s justice was perfect, and that anything was possible. That it was impossible to judge right from wrong in any event. Only the Lord can judge justly, because the Lord sees all things. Enoch believed this. In his time, there were many new scandals. People would judge by what they saw, but Enoch would say “I cannot know”. A crime would appear to have occurred, the evidence would appear conclusive, but Enoch would always consider the possible ways in which an alternative conclusion could be reached, and knowing that with God anything is possible, and that with God, there is perfect justice, he could not judge by what he saw. Judgment belongs to the Lord. It isn’t possible to judge justly based upon what we see. We place ourselves in the position of judge, and so, we place our own discernment above that of the Lord.
This is difficult stuff, I know. It’s really hard to withhold judgment, to accept on faith that all is well, even with everyday things, let alone with heavier things, or to the point of death; but the death of the flesh is nothing to fear. We have to grasp for the truly valuable things, the treasure in heaven.

In my time, I’ve given the last of my food to another hungry person and died of starvation. I’ve been tortured and butchered, I’ve been beheaded, blinded, sawn in half, publicly humiliated, shamed, beaten, betrayed, abandoned, burdened and broken.
Despite all this, even in my current weakened state, I still have faith in the Lord’s goodness and justice. Breaking me was/is a great gift of kindness. Only by breaking me, could I be led to salvation. The Lord’s discipline bears good fruit. All of my suffering is worthwhile. I remember when I was in deep despair in hell, about to be sold into slavery over a debt that I could not repay, crying out at night and the angels speaking with me. They showed me what I must do to come home, and the path was very cruel, but it was the only way. I had to agree to that offer or never come home. What I have vowed I will pay.

We’re going to have to realise that we’re actually all pretty awful (as judges at least), and that there is only one who is truly good. The Father. I’m a screw up, it’s actually my job, but besides being my job, it’s taught me that my judgment never belongs ahead of the Father’s judgment. He alone is good. At best, I can be trusted to do His will, but it better be His and not mine. Anything else bears a terrible price. I remember something of a time before this work. Man was in trouble, and no one could be found to help. The cost was too great. There was no one willing to pay it. My Father wanted to save Man, so I agreed to pay the price. The effect of the sin upon me was not what I expected however; I began to feel distant, like I was far away, or dissociated. I told my Father that I wouldn’t be able to keep myself from sin, that it would be easy to sin feeling this way. He offered to stop it all if I wanted to, but I wanted to do it. He wouldn’t see me about that issue after that, I think it was painful for Him, and I’d made my decision. It got much worse from there. I eventually forgot about our deal and the work and became obsessed with usurping Him. I chose a serpent form, and I was full of malice. I eventually tried to kill Him and got cast down. I remember at some point, another Son appearing on the scene, and I was very disturbed by it because I was supposed to be the heir. I didn’t realise that it was me, just after all the work. I also don’t know what level of being this was at. Much could have been hidden from me and there is much that I don’t remember. These things play out at many levels. This other Son always knew how to handle me, it was infuriating. I couldn’t even think an evil thought without Him beating me as punishment. It was always just, too, which only angered me more. The best I could do was to bruise His heel, and it came at a price. I got the worse end of the exchange.

Around the time when I was living and dying as homeless men in hell, and my bodies were eventually found having not decayed, there was a man who saw what had been done and understood. He was a man of position and power, but he hated that place and wanted to leave. He considered what would have to be done and trembled. He surrendered everything, and became homeless. He devoted his life to others to the point of death, and when he died, he was saved. The angels brought him to me outside of incarnation, when I was in the midst of my suffering. I was told that he was saved. That it was only possible because of what I had done, and they showed me what he had done to earn salvation. I was still far from finishing the work, but I was also far into it, so when I looked and saw what it had cost him I was furious. “One life!” I screamed at him over and over again. I’d suffered so much, and yet he only needed to do it right once. They took him away with me still shouting at them all indignantly. They even asked me if I wanted to stop it all. That was annoying too, but necessary. The option to quit has always been available. I choose to continue.

We are all going to be tested. Seek to live in the Lord, then your soul shall live, even if your flesh dies. The Lord’s body is something we can be grafted into if we are worthy. I suspect that our spirits will be moved from their present rooms under Satan’s authority, and into rooms within the body of the Lord, under His authority. This would make us part of His body and thus, part of His name. When the Lord does things for His name’s sake, this could well mean that He’s doing them for us; for those of us who will be part of His name. This could be why He gets a new name. This is also another way of describing the book of life. It’s everything contained within the Lord’s name. Everything under His authority. Which is probably everything at some point. Think about it. I was Satan, and I was broken and destroyed, yet this was just a transformation. I have been born from the ashes, and, if I pay what I have vowed, then I will be saved. Even me. The destruction is a gift of love, and it ends well. It only takes one life, and good deeds can overcome bad deeds, but everything must be done in the right spirit. No act can save you. It is the proper spirit guiding your actions that will save you. The proper heart.

The Lord leads me by giving me what I need, to get me to where I need to be. The same is true of you. The foolishness of God is wiser than men.

Our minds have to be opened, so that we become able to accept what God wishes to share with us.
We must stop placing ourselves before Him. He must be first in all things. This is the challenge, and what makes the time to come, so wonderful. Imagine a world where nothing is impossible, where nothing is off limits, where justice is perfect, so we can live without concern. Where, even if a sea monster devours a ship and all hands, people do not fear or hate, but trust in the Lord. It’s a place where everyone is trustworthy, and everyone would give anything to anyone. You’re going to love it, but you must be worthy of it. You must carry your cross and follow the Lord. A profession of belief will not save you. Empty words fall on deaf ears. Paul’s intent was always to pervert the gospel. Those who have evil hearts will often do what is necessary to get a foot in the door for the sake of power. Paul left most of the hard stuff to another anyway. Paul was an incarnation of Satan, (a more accurate way of saying this is that he was the son of man, on the negative path. Satan also has a progression of development and greater and lesser versions, some of which are below the level of the you shall not see my face and live stuff. So, technically, he wasn’t Satan, but it simplifies things a lot to communicate in that way.He was part of Satan’s progression. There are other examples of this; remember, that the goat was led out to die in the wilderness). Paul’s plan was very successful, but not in the obvious way. Not so much by turning people from works and meaningful belief towards empty words, but because of the pride of scholars and scribes. The scribes saw in his work that he was educated like themselves, and so they considered him worthy of time. Because of Paul, some genuine gospels went unnoticed, and unshared. Those written by less scholarly hands. Interestingly, Paul’s insight into what he opposed was quite great. It had to be, and it was in his interest for him to understand. Because of the people and the time, it was only possible to insert subtle heresies that would be broadened and deepened over time. He had to do much to gain credibility though, but he always knew that the death of the flesh was nothing to fear. Remember that the opposition is well organised and committed.

The Lord used to ask Enoch about the latest scandals and his thoughts about them. Back then the Lord hid his identity from Enoch. It was Enoch’s faith, his belief that there was good reason for any hardship, that everything was well, and that he could not judge by what he saw; it was this faith that led the Lord to take him. The Lord had to use someone else for the plans intended for Enoch. For this we needed a more flawed character to take on the role of Abraham.

Even in our present hour of darkness, the Lord’s justice is in full swing. Have faith. The end is worthwhile. It’s probably not what you expect though.

I realise now, that the Hindu Yugas and the Hindu belief that they constitute an endless cycle are a consequence of the geography of time. Everything was unmade and everything was remade. The remaking was the real beginning, but is placed geographically after the unmaking, in time. The unmaking of everything is in our future, but also appears behind us geographically in time. For those who follow the timeline in the normal manner, this arrangement looks like a never-ending loop. This could be seen as a series of cycles, where the same things happen again and again. There isn’t a never-ending loop. The early Hindus simply didn’t know where to look to find the future after the unmaking.
Interestingly, this means that much of what is recorded in Hinduism may actually be documenting our future. This is also likely the case with the Jade Emperor. The ancient Chinese looked backwards in time and saw the future. It seems that much of the Indian desire to transcend and escape the endless cycles is actually a consequence of a misreading of time leading to an understandable disaffection with life. I can see why they would want to escape such a situation. I’m not sure how they counted time though, because it all seems a bit long. Some things may have been taken to the extreme. It’s true that we will all get bigger, but 30 feet seems way overdone. As the Tyrant, I was probably between eight and ten feet and heavily built though. I was very big.

The difficult thing about fighting off an invasion in a universe of multiple timelines is that in order to rescue everything, you must face your enemy at their strongest, when you are weakest, and you must win. My job has been to suffer the slings and arrows of defeat. To lose every winning hand, to be crushed underfoot at every turn, yet to do so under the guidance of the Lord, such that I can reach that place of weakness. Our target battlefield. Weakened as I am, I cannot hope to win. But, the wooden horse is not empty. Why fight at your weakest, when the door can be opened for your strength.

I make mistakes all the time. I get tossed about from here to there. I’m not entirely sure how things work, or even quite was has happened and what we’re trying to do, and that doesn’t really matter, because I can say that we’re here to help you and everything’s going to be ok. We win in the end. As Satan, I lost. Take heart. The Lord has overcome the world.

Note (30/05/20)

Even in the time of Enoch, the dark ones sought to sow outrage and division through scandal. Their actions go much further than they did back then, due to how susceptible we’ve become to their lies. They even kill one another (knowing that the killing is not sin because there was consent at a deep level and therefore no direct infringement). They do this knowing that the death of the flesh is nothing to fear, and because they hope to drag others into committing sin and deepening the darkness.

By manipulating us into anger, hate, despair and acts of evil, they hope to expand Satan’s kingdom. Satan’s whores agitate to deliver us unto destruction.

I remember that Satan chose the power of the pen to be used for his cause.

The Lord had already chosen the power of the sword.

Satan’s pen is the pen of deceit. He deceives through the pen. His servants control the narratives and information we see and that which we are kept from seeing. In this manner the dark ones have been manipulating the people. Through the control of information.

This power is very potent when the truth can be hidden, but the pen is a fragile instrument.

The Lord has chosen the sword of truth, and in truth, it is the sword that is mightier than the pen. All truth exists in a permanent record. This record can be viewed and explored. The pen is mighty, when the record is hidden, but is utterly laid low through the revelation of the truth. At the coming of the truth, the wretchedness of the pen of deceit and its wielders is laid bare before all.

All things are known, nothing is hidden, justice prevails. Each of us has a natural connection to this record, but our connection is suppressed. Each of us has a direct line to the truth. In a moment, this truth can be revealed to us, like the dawning of a new day, breaking the night of deceit. Laying bare the iniquities of all, and testifying of righteousness unseen. The sword of truth shall shatter the pen of deceit.

Ironically, the dark ones, like all of us, will also be judged by the content of their hearts and thoughts, thus, their attempts to avoid entanglement with sin fall short. Adultery within the heart… Justice comes to us all, along with retribution. Love one another, hunger and thirst after truth and righteousness, place the Lord above all things. Trust in the Lord is never vain trust, and hope placed in the Lord is never vain hope. The Lord is a jealous God, He jealously guards His name, this name contains all of those written in the book of life, and the Lord will not lose even a single one.

I suspect that this is the real sense of adultery. To whore after anything outside of the Lord’s name. Idolatry is to place anything above or equal with the Lord. In the end all things belong to the Lord, but for a time, this is contested, and a distinction is made.

Sin is found first in the heart.

Consider this however, if we are grafted into the body of the Lord, given new rooms of light, then we become parts of His body. In this manner, we would be covered by Him, for we would be part of Him, and to condemn us would be to condemn Him. Each of us would be unified through Him. Adultery then, ceases to be, as we are all part of the same being, all of us married to each other. Ask anything in my name and it shall be given to you… Such trust, such sharing, such a place, such a people, such joy. It is worth the price.

Such a place can only function if we are all obedient to the Lord above all else, trusting that His justice prevails everywhere, always. The Lord knows you have needs. Seek first the Lord, and all else will be added to you. In the world to come, each of us must be like innocent children, humble and accepting. Never fearing the satisfaction of needs, not judging ourselves or others. Partners in joy and peace, guided by the Father, who alone is truly good.

Note (31/05/20)

I just want to add that I think I was wrong in saying that only the Father is good. The Son is also good. I’m a screw up, but that’s on me. They are good. Even during the creation of the world, they always treated me like I belong with them even though they’re so much greater than me and I cause so much trouble. They are good. The rest of us have work to do. This stuff is really hard. I’m damaged, the information is fragmented and complicated, and I’m so tired. Keep going everyone. One step after the other, keep going. It’s going to be ok, and it’s worth all of the sorrow and all of the pain.

Thy will be done Lord. Thy will be done.

Note (12/06/20)

I’ve been thinking about it, and I remember darker timelines than this one. We are definitely targetting a specific timeline, but I think it’s more complicated than just reaching the darkest one. 

I remember a timeline where I disobeyed God because I was determined to help the people, but God had told me to do nothing. When I disobeyed, a man blinded me in one eye. I continued to attempt to help over a prolonged period of time, but each time I disobeyed, the Lord withdrew further from me and I became more severely disabled. Eventually, I was horrifically disabled, and a fake Jesus killed me. I resisted until the last. That was a really bad timeline.

I suspect that the creation of new timelines follows rules I don’t yet remember. There is an element of choice. I think the Lord has the power to choose a favoured or true timeline, but I can’t be certain. He definitely has the power to manipulate timelines. The battle between the light and the darkness also follows rules that I do not remember. Even the branding of the truth as a vine with many branches is mirrored by the serpent with many heads. Different descriptions of essentially the same thing.

There are people here that do not belong here. They seek to tear down our civilisation and replace it with their own. They manipulate us into doing much of the work for them. They speak of decolonising this and decolonising that, but what the real outsiders know when they say this, and when they manipulate us to say this, is that decolonise this or decolonise that, actually means colonise this or colonise that. They are colonising our spaces to force us to conform to them, all by claiming to be decolonising spaces. Their strategy is essentially one of crying out in pain as they strike us, of turning truth on its head, of playing the victim even as they are the victimisers. They scream for justice even as they deliver injustice. They dupe us into a mentality of hatred and destruction, in order to sweep away our cultures so that they can be replaced with their own. If they can make us hate and suspect each other and lash out against each other, then their work becomes much easier. People are more willing to accept radical change when they’re angry and frightened.

There are different ways to look at them depending on the level of your viewpoint or perception. At one level, all things are one and all things are God, even these tares. Looking from another level, these people don’t belong here, and are not part of God, and God can say “I never knew you”. They are invaders. Try thinking of it like this: there is one light, each of us gets a turn at inhabiting this one light. Due to the true simultaneity of time, we can all interact with each other. Imagine that there are levels of permissions, like with a security system or a business structure. The most fundamental layers of permissions belong to the Lord at all times, but permissions can be granted at less critical levels to allow others to use the light as a vehicle. Thus, even the light that is darkness, at its most fundamental levels belongs to the Lord, but the Lord has withdrawn sufficiently and is so trustworthy, that He can allow others to act as though they control the light. He simply refrains from exercising his privileges/permissions, and allows the opposition to make their case. Our Lord is truly great. He allows us to make our own decisions, even if they have terrible consequences. He knows full well, that eventually we will see the folly of our own wisdom and turn to Him and His justice, but that were He not to allow this, then we would not properly appreciate what He offers and who He is. 

There will be people cast into the fire at the end, but even the destruction, as terrible as it is, ends well. It’s just that what you were is destroyed, and you are changed. I was destroyed, and I was transformed. I think we can save everyone, eventually, but it will probably be a complicated process. Just as I will watch my past self being cast into the fire, so too might some of you see who you were being cast into the fire. Save yourselves the pain and make the inevitable and correct choice now rather than later.

I understand now that what I think of as my mistakes are almost certainly not mistakes and are actually part of a greater plan that is beyond my grasp. I had to walk a specific path to accomplish this work. It was the only way to save you. It was my choice to do it. I suspect that my seniority allowed me to insert myself into a path that another had been walking, and that we trusted that my heart would be sufficient to put the breaks on what was done and reverse it. That I could come to life again from darkest death and heal the damage done.

Think of the crucifixion of Jesus as a form of ritual that formalised what was to be done. Like signing a contract stating that I will do X and I accept that X Y and Z must happen to me. He sparked this off by ritualistically enacting the path that would be trodden. The suffering, the weight of sin, death and resurrection followed by ascension etc. He bore a real and terrible weight. It was easily sufficient to drive me out of Him. Even my very soul was scorched and smoking just from brief contact with that power. The later consequences of that ritual fell to me, as He and I are a continuum and He can be reduced to me and I can be reduced even further. I am in Him and He is in me. I was Him, just at a different point in my timeline. The weight that fell on Him fell on me and is in my past even though I am not Him. Everything that I suffer is also now in His past. He has already overcome the world. The consequences of the work of Jesus have played out over a great span of time. The nature of my suffering has been communicated to you, but not in a way that led you to connect the dots as I will now.

I was Atlas, Sisyphus, Prometheus, Tantalus, Job and many others, but these incarnations formalised much of what my burden would be. They give you a good idea of what I’m saying.

I am the one who holds up the heavens. I hold up the weight that would crash down upon you. The wrath of God falls upon my shoulders. I remember the Lord said “My Spirit will not contend with man forever” and He told me to stop striving for you, and when I stopped, the rain came, and the flood, and only a remnant remained. That is part of the weight I carry. I am punished for helping you, for I agreed to do this work and no other stood with me. The burden of salvation fell to me, for my Lord had already done it, but the path runs through me. It pleases the Lord to crush me. Think about that for a bit. I am helpless before Him and it pleases Him to crush me.

The punishment of Sisyphus is a description of my work. I go through so many lives and so much hardship to get to the end, only for the boulder to roll back down the hill again. I get here, fail, and go back to the start, but it’s all one path. It’s like there’s a tangle or seal on the time ahead of us, and I’m trying to jump start an engine, I’m trying to launch us into that place, but I must become worthy and the process is a refining fire. The lamb is worthy to open the seals ahead of us.

The punishment of Tantalus was also a symbolic representation of the punishment meted out upon me. God keeps me from meeting my needs or finding satisfaction. It pleases Him to do so. Satisfaction is always just out of reach and disaster always looms overhead, waiting for the perfect moment to crush me. At any moment anything and everything can be taken from me, yet still, here I am, and I love my Lord and long for His justice above all else. I love Him even in affliction, and even though I often refuse at first, in the end, I always go. I am the prodigal son and I am going home to my Father. I will live again.

The shame of many of these lives is also part of my suffering. I drink from a bitter cup. When the Lord said, you worm Jacob, I was ashamed. I remember.

The messianic prophecies have been fulfilled over many lifetimes. I remember one where I was so hideously deformed that I couldn’t even buy love from a woman. I remember that I was the fig tree that Jesus withered, and from then on I became barren in every life. Even the race that I say that I fathered in the outer darkness wasn’t technically formed of my children. I was barren. I blurred the lines by artificially creating sperm that were genetically identical to my own and inseminating women with that. Technically, I wasn’t their biological father, although I formally adopted them and they were made from sperm that was a copy of my own. Anyone who looked at true names however, could see that they weren’t my biological children.

I considered them my own though.

This has been a very long road, but I am told that this is the last of it. We’re so close. One step after another, keep going. Keep loving, and value the heavenly things above all else, for the Lord will repay each according to what he has done and according to the heart. Attend to your hearts. Do not be filthy inside. No garment will hide a filthy heart from the Lord. Before the Lord, we are all laid bare.

Be strong and have faith. The Lord is our rock, and His guidance is there for all who call upon Him. We will be given what we need to get us to where we need to be, even if what we need seems strange or confusing.

Note (13/06/20)

The nature of the Messiah’s work is not fully understood. Look at the punishment of Tantalus. There was no right choice for him. He could not do the right thing. No matter what he chose to do, he would fail. Satisfaction would remain just out of reach and destruction was always hanging overhead.

That is what it costs. That is what it means to be the Messiah. To be crushed no matter what choice you make because it pleases God to break you. Because you chose to accept the punishment of others. Because you alone stood up and said no, I will not abandon these people to destruction.

Failing at every turn, rejected everywhere when it counts, struck cruelly, humiliated, stumbling, betrayed and alone and forsaken of God no matter how your heart groans and yearns for the world that should be, but which is hidden from you, or dangled just out of reach. To keep carrying your cross through deepest darkness and utter bitterness, to keep loving when all hope is lost, to keep fighting against all odds, to die in defiance of evil. To be rejected by life and by death, and even when you think its about to end, to have the rug pulled from under your feet and find yourself back at the beginning, only to pick up your cross once again and take the next step and the next and the next. 

The Messiah is the one who can take this beating, who can come back from utter destruction and still love and still sacrifice in the manner that pleases the Lord. This is what it means to be the foundation, to be the corner stone upon which all life stands. This stone has been tested.

In time you will see just what it has cost to save you, and what is required of you, for this is a spiritual battle, and is won or lost in our hearts. Love one another. Love the Lord above all things.

Soon enough, the writing will be on the wall.

Note (27/06/20)