Privacy policy


I’m still learning this stuff, so I don’t really know how the cookies work. I will update this page as I learn more and activate more features.

Obviously, if you use the contact form I’ll have your email address.

Google analytics and the software made by Divi which I use will likely track where you came from and where you go to. If you clear your cookies this shouldn’t happen. (edit- the tracking tech hasn’t yet been activated so there shouldn’t be any tracking or cookies coming from this site)

When the blog is up and running obviously your comments will be stored for a time. I’m not sure how long.

At some point I may use your email address to send you information about the progress of Cotemporality theory and possibly to promote my other sites and products which I think have value. I’ll figure out how to add a link in those emails so that you can unsubscribe from the list if you choose to.