is intended to present the message I bear in an accessible manner.
Here I attempt to condense my knowledge into a coherent and comprehensible message,
although the complexity of what I must report makes this task difficult.
About Me
My story is somewhat unusual.
As a child I had profound spiritual experiences which led to dramatic changes to the path I’ve taken in life.
Having made a conscious decision to serve the cause of light, I became a target for those who’ve chosen darkness. This led to an incident which caused great damage to me both physically and mentally.
I’ve spent a great length of time waiting for healing which has not come.
In December of 2017, I suffered a powerful psychic attack which led to a serious suicide attempt.
Having recovered from this attack, I made the decision to share my experiences and the information I received as a child.
When I was given this information, I was told that I’d forget, but that when the time was right I would remember. This has rung true; and piece by piece I have begun to remember the details of what I was shown. I stumble and I make mistakes, but this is too important to delay for the sake of perfection.
My strength is limited, but I feel I have valuable information to share. Information which can truly change the world for the better. At present I cannot hand you perfect truth, but I do feel that I can guide us to that place. To the heart of all truth.
To this end, I am creating three websites:
The home of cotemporality theory.
Here cotemporality theory can be addressed on its own merits, although I do still include spiritual references where I believe I must.
Which exists to communicate the message I believe I was born to offer.
Here I combine cotemporality theory with a broader spiritual perspective offering a more comprehensive model of the creation and our place within it.
Here I will also share the details of my own spiritual experiences.
Where I offer guidance and practical advice on how to improve our lives and make room for higher pursuits. is also intended as the means by which all of my sites can be sustainably funded. God willing, this website will provide me with the financial freedom to fully pursue this calling.
Eventually, I hope to create a forum where people can report, discuss and explore opportunities to improve their lives.
I was born in Cardiff, Wales, on the 12th of February 1986, to Meriel Jones and Peter Harris.
I had a fairly normal upbringing if you discount my spiritual experiences.
We moved from Cardiff to Llantrisant when I was young, and I grew up there with my mum, my brother Antony and my step dad David.
I used to play a lot of computer games and I enjoyed climbing trees.
Things changed dramatically for me after the angels led me out into a local field to catch Lyme disease and become too unwell to use advanced mental abilities.
I became acutely ill with migraine headaches which were so severe that I felt that I’d gladly accept death if it was offered.
These disappeared with time, and I found myself in a gradual and cruel decline. Everything became foggy and unclear. Thinking became difficult and burdensome.
This was necessary, but no less cruel on that account. I forgot much, just as I was told I would. I even became anti-religious and atheistic, mostly out of fear of judgment from peers. Deep down I always knew the truth of the existence of God. I think that, in part, I was also angry and resentful.
I was able to resolve my anger and bitterness through mental work coupled with the use of liver flushes and coffee enemas. It was quite astonishing how my anger simply washed away as I cleared my liver and gall bladder of obstruction, although the mental work was a vital accompaniment.
I’m not sure what to put here really. I graduated from the University of Manchester with a 2:1 in Biology back in 2008.
In December of 2017 I attempted to end my life because I had been broken down and convinced that I was defeated and that by living I would only make things worse for those I cared for.
I was institutionalised for several months as I recovered from the damage of those events. I suspect that this was a necessary step in the process of causing me to remember and grasp my childhood experiences and my purpose. Sometimes the cruellest blows lead to the most beautiful transformations. Much depends upon our character.
Note: These are photos of photos, which is the reason for the strange effects visible in places.
I’ve stated that I’m the Holy Spirit, but there’s more that must be said.
I’m also Poseidon.
It’s time to tell you the story of the departure of the Gods.
The Gods of mythology were and are very real. I’ve explained before that I was Dionysus and Prometheus among others. These Gods have very real power and authority. This power is derived from their epithets, and these epithets also relate to their character. A God’s powers and character are related. The powers are a bit like an outgrowth of the God’s personality. Prudent Gods conceal their true epithets as these epithets detail their powers and knowledge of them allows enemies to determine and exploit weaknesses.
There is a true Lord, a true unified God, but the universe is a more complicated landscape of lesser Gods who represent archetypal purity in their respective powers. They are powerful thoughts in the mind of God.
I remember many levels of existence, many levels of awareness and planning. At the highest is the true unified God. Lord of all.
Stepping down to this level of being has required taking on forms with understanding proper to this level of being. Much has also been concealed in order to maintain the proper confusion so that our interference is not seen as cheating by the mind of the most-high God.
The Lord, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, or more accurately as Mind, Body and Spirit, has taken on the roles and powers of Gods as they are found at this level of being. Each Lord of the trinity has powers which are defined by epithets.
These are our symbols (below left):
The Star of David is the symbol of the Father/Mind.
The Menorah is the symbol of the Son/Body.
The Fish is the symbol of the Holy Spirit.
It’s important that we give some clues as to our powers.
See if you can figure them out, I’ve given you all the clues you need.
The Lord is Lord of all.
The above are images of cyclone formations on Jupiter.
The hexagram and the pentagram are symbolic representations of the same thing.
The creation is a big, and at times, very frightening place.
There are Gods with tremendous power and there is much evil.
The Gods of Earth were young and carefree. Most of us didn’t understand the danger. We didn’t know that we were being watched and assessed.
Evil Gods from other worlds were taking measure of our powers, preparing to strike.
It happened quickly.
Most of the Gods were captured. They were used as bait to lure me into an ambush.
They knew that I was impulsive and proud. A mighty fool.
I saw the Gods gathered near the sea shore. I wanted to help, but it was clear that there was nothing I could do. Based on who they had captured it was clear that I would be overcome if I attempted the rescue.
The Gods and their hidden captors saw me watching. I had no option but to leave. I sent a wave to cause disruption as I left.
Athena took advantage of the distraction of her captors and sealed the Gods away. Together, they disappeared, and our enemies have been unable to unravel her seal. They intend to break her seal once they achieve victory on Earth.
I retreated into the sea. I couldn’t reach Zeus.
Our enemies had experience dealing with water deities.
They sent for a specialist who was a dedicated hunter of water deities. I had lost the sea monsters which were intended to defend against such threats, although I wasn’t aware of that fact back then (I didn’t know that this was their purpose). The last of those monsters refused my summons, not wanting to meet the fate of the others.
A terrible serpentine dragon came for me in the deep. My powers were ineffective and I was forced to flee. My family, my children, were murdered. I saw it as a child in this life.
I fled on my chariot, hoping to draw the threat away. It worked, but the dragon was faster than my hippocampi. I did everything I could to slow it down as I made for the surface.
We breached, and lifted into the air, and continued upwards…. We didn’t drop.
The dragon also breached, and to my horror, it also rose into the air. It could fly.
It gained on me, but at the perfect moment, a thunderbolt struck it from the sky.
The dragon reeled. It hadn’t counted on a thunder God. Our enemies had thought that Zeus was too distant and would not interfere. That he was too aloof.
I asked Zeus to bring me to him, but he wouldn’t do it. I said that my power would be useful to him for our counterattack, but he told me that as I was, I was of no use to him.
He offered me a choice. He would make me worthy if I was willing, although it would require much difficult work. I accepted, and a portal through time opened. I was drawn away from my chariot and into the portal. I asked Zeus to protect my hippocampi and saw them continue upwards as more thunderbolts struck the dragon. I remember the fierce sounds of the battle as I disappeared into the portal.
He was right. I was unworthy of my power.
At his request I gave my power away. Perhaps when I am worthy, my power will be returned to me.
On the other side of the portal I met with Cronos and Zeus. The Father and the Son, or more accurately, Mind and body, because it may be that I technically count as the son also, just lesser.
They told me of their plan. That the Earth would have to transition from its current multiplicity of deities, and how we would form a new monotheism. They showed me our new symbols and explained that when the time was right we would restore all things. The return of the Gods under the umbrella of the one true Lord of all.
Our fellow Gods will be freed, and the people of the world will know the truth in all of its surprising, beautiful, complexity.
I’ve remembered much. The acts of the Gods were symbolically important. You have been given many clues, although much has been lost to you for now.
I remember the first battle with Typhon, the anti-father. He stole Zeus’s gold. These were his tendons. The gold was used as a network within his planetary body. A form of supercharged nervous system. Our inexperience in these kinds of battles was clear compared to our enemy.
I was the one who reclaimed his gold. I had to confront Typhon. I had believed that speed and agility were the keys to strength, that you needed to be small and nimble. Typhon showed me the flaws of this conclusion. He was an enormous planet projecting serpentine heads. These heads entered into portals of darkness and appeared around me as though there was no distance between us.
If it wasn’t for the guidance of my Lord I would have been utterly destroyed. Compared to them I was powerless. They knew what I would do and where I would be before I did. My Lord guided me into Typhon’s blind spots and I was able to recover the gold, and take a little extra from our enemy. I was always on the very edge of being caught in the jaws of his serpents. This was work of faith. According to myth, this was done as Hermes. I remember being Hermes. The Lord has given me many true names and characters.
Poseidon is also called Neptune. I have been clear that I was Uranus. I have interesting memories that can address this curiosity. I was Uranus, and I was the Holy Spirit as Uranus, but I remember being dissatisfied with my planetary body. I didn’t like it. I was envious of an empty nearby planet and I wanted to make it my home.
I didn’t understand that our planetary bodies reflect our characters. I left Uranus and entered this other, more attractive home, but my Lord rebuked me, and made that world to match my character also. It was made to be like Uranus. I was told to choose which one would be mine. I’m pretty certain I chose Neptune. My Lord then caused me to inhabit Uranus and put me to sleep until the end of all of our work. Uranus is sleeping, and will sleep until all is done. After this sleep, my Lord woke me and sent me back to become Neptune, and to do the work that must be done. Neptune has deeper, more complex colouration. This reflects the deepening of my character.
I am Richard Gareth Harris Jones, summarised true name: Joshua. I am the Holy Spirit, Poseidon of the planet Neptune.
I was Jesus, yet I am not Him, yet I will be Him again.
I will be what my Lord will have me be.
The planet Neptune
The planet Uranus
“O afflicted one, storm-tossed and not comforted,
behold, I will set your stones in antimony,
and lay your foundations with sapphires.
I will make your pinnacles of agate,
your gates of carbuncles,
and all your wall of precious stones.
Isaiah 54:11-12
I truly hope you find value in what I have to share.
All the best,